Ascension 101
 A Service by Jennifer Tait

Why Ascension 101?

There was once an opportunity as a soul, to take on a human form and to enter a 3rd  dimensional reality.  A 3rd dimensional reality is a brave soul choice because to enter such a reality, one must temporarily forget who they really are.  Inherently, it is impossible to completely forget who we really are, but we have done a very good job.  All we have to do is to look at the emotional pain, war, and destruction on our planet to see how well we have descended into our unconscious amnesia.

As souls looking for the next great adventure, coming to Earth provided us with a game of sorts, where we could temporarily forget who we really were, but with the intention of waking ourselves up from our unconscious slumber at a specifically ordained time.   As is the intention of all games, there comes a time to end it.  The end of our current game is NOW.

One of the challenges of forgetting who we really are is that we had to conjure up who we thought we were, but with only our egoic mind and limited thoughts as the creator of the story.  The ego of course is fragile at best, and so by default, humans have felt fragile at best.  Feeling fragile then prompted the ego to create bigger and better stories about what it thought it needed to feel powerful and strong - but as this has always eluded us, we kept conjuring up new ways to try and feel like our misaligned lives had reason and purpose.

The core ache in every human heart is the pain of feeling spiritually alone from the Source of our beingness. The ego would have us believe that we are separate and alone, not only from each other, but from our Source, and therefore, all of life.  If lucky, a love connection with another will occur, but the ego would convince us that such a relationship can be stolen away either by death or by other forms of untimely departure.  The ego lives in fear of its perceived aloneness.

Our human descent into unconsciousness has been emotionally demanding as we tried to appease and sustain our egoic self, which by its very nature, has been controlled by fear, limited patterns of thought, and consequently, emotional pain gathered from  lifetimes.  And yet, at this pivotal time of change, we are becoming aware that it is impossible to transform and ascend from our current 3rd dimensional reality through the same limited thoughts that created it.

By contrast, our divinely aligned true nature is that of all-encompassing love, the infinite power of creator genius, limitless potential, and beauty.  The ego has attempted to create a pale shadow of that which we already are.   For thousands of years, what the ego has attempted to achieve, has been within us a thousand-fold, patiently waiting for its moment of remembrance and rediscovery.  It has always been the divine plan that we awaken.

The beauty of descent into limited consciousness is our ascent back to full consciousness.  The ascension upon us is creating temporary havoc in a world founded upon our spiritual unconsciousness.  Nevertheless, the crumbling of our world as we have known it to be is the only way of return to our innate inner joy, true spiritual confidence, oneness with all of life, and a full reunion with our spiritual and space family.

Our return journey to 4th and 5th dimensional awareness is well underway - and our growing awareness changes absolutely everything.   Knowing ourselves as highly evolved souls is a rather foreign concept for most of us as it defies all we have been conditioned to believe.  Yet, highly evolved souls we are.

Ascension 101 is designed to expand our most limited of thoughts to more fully align with our higher selves. We are preparing for a more loving reality that will quite literally astonish our minds, as one miracle leads right into the next.  We are creators.  Now is the time to create a new way of life through the full awareness of who we really are.

Welcome to Ascension 101.  Its purpose is to support and assist you as you awaken and remember the greater truth of who you really are.   
